Vera Mihaiļenko
Vera has significant experience in client defence, as well as the representation of victims and the provision of legal assistance in criminal procedures. Vera has participated in especially complicated extradition processes, as well as provided clients with qualified legal assistance outside Latvia, including by successfully cooperating with foreign colleagues, as well as by participating in the adjudication of criminal matters abroad, for example in the Jury Trial of the United States of America.
Vera also specialises in matters arising from family law – several colleagues characterise Vera as one of the best specialists of family law in Latvia. Using her knowledge and experience, as well as diplomacy, Vera has on many occasions been able to achieve a result conforming to the client’s interests by means of out-of-court dispute resolution methods (entering into settlements or using mediation).
Vera regularly supplements her knowledge – in 2018 she acquired rights to carry out the representation of minors and provide legal assistance to minors in criminal procedures, as well as handle civil matters arising from family law with the involvement of minors.
Areas of practice
- Criminal Law
- Family Law
Work experience
- Attorney-at-Law since 2018
- Assistant to Sworn Advocate, 2013 – 2018
- Secretary in the Law Firms “Rusanovs, Rode, Bušs” and “Rode un Partneri”, 2003 – 2013
- Master’s degree in Legal Science, Baltic International Academy, 2012
- Latvian
- Russian
- English
- “Pretrial Release, Earlier – with a Bracelet of Electronic Monitoring” https://lvportals.lv/skaidrojumi/294505-pirmstermina-atbrivosana-atrak-ar-elektroniskas-uzraudzibas-aproci-2018